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The Right of Collective Self Defense in Japan

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe proposed the reinterpretation of the pacifist constitution, article nine in particular to expand use of the military in the concept of defense. The Cabinet says they will use collective self-defense to help their allies. The Japanese government’s basic grounds are that times have changed. Japan had a pacifist policy for years and relies on America and its self-defense force for security. The military tension in the region has increased and Japan needs to play a bigger role in its own security.

The media’s opinions have divided into two, on the conservative side it worries that maybe Japan is heading down the wrong path of the possibility of starting another war, and the progressive side stands by the government’s opinion on increasing the range of military action. Many Japanese people like the pacifist constitution, but at the same time they are unnerved about the changing security environment and wondering what is the best path forward for japan.

On an international scale South Korea worries less about Japan’s constitution refinement and more of the inconsistency in terms of its behavior in particular to historic issues, not being open and upfront about its colonial history. China is more complicated and has a domestic and international stance. Domestically it has a strong anti-Japanese stance and a sense that the reform is to remilitarize and bring back imperial Japan. This notion puts Chinese people on their toes. As for America, President Obama is pleased with this reform and says increasing allies to participate in defense within the region helps balance the burden of the military and security role of the United States, which will be beneficial to counter China’s rise.

The question on everyone's mind is can a leader of a country on their own initiative reinterpret a law without the people’s decisions. Traditional Japanese people were infuriated by the Secret Information Protection Act that was legislated in December last year. The debate still goes on as the Japanese government slowly makes its way to widening the range of military interactions.




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